
A Poem for life…

Are You Awake!

Listen to the voice in you that knows all that you are, pushes you to be all that you can….

I’m going to expose you to, what some may consider “hash reality’s” in the next poem or two.

But please listen, read and understand the true meanings, not what you’ve been robotically indoctrinated to think.

You know what is the right.

You make your children pass through the fire
With blind eye to the dark in one’s desire 
Think you don’t, “evil from a bygone age” said
But are you so sure
You're not the same as men long dead 
Just because you think you know
You don’t 
You are asleep 
Will not admit 
Light abhors who sacrifice not owned
Even if ignorance tries to excuse
If you choose to keep your eye shut
You know the wrong vomited from your mouth when you speak
We must taste and understand if we are to be a man
We are all responsible for evils of humanity
To not speak what is right shows we close our eyes to the control of evil






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